Monday, March 28, 2005

Time Flies Even When You're Not Having Fun

Well, it's been awhile since my last posting. The dissertation is coming along slowly. I've submitted chapter 3 to my advisor, and I hope he'll respond by the end of this week. So, two chapters down, 6 more to go. It just doesn't seem like it'll ever get done. The dissertation is a case study on a Native Hawaiian family and the literacies they engage in. Chapter 4 will focus on the home culture of the participants. Once that is established, I can move on to the actual literacies, which will be covered in chapters 5 - 7. Chapter 1 is the introduction and Chapter 8, the conclusion. Anyway...

On to other things. I recently starting knitting a sweater from the Stitch'n Bitch book. I love the sweater, and decided to do a practice one in cheap yarn. It was all going great until I drop a few stitches. I tried picking them up, but with no luck. I'm going to stop in at a knitting store to see if they can help.

Next up: geocaching. I've been fascinated with reading about geocaching. I've asked a friend to borrow his GPS so that I can give it a go. If it works out well, I'll invest in a GPS and go for broke. If you don't know what geocaching is think of it as a scavenger hunt. You go to the geocaching website and read about some caches in your area (and beyond). Plug in the coordinates into your GPS system and off you go. Use the GPS to locate the cache, and when you find it, you can take something from the cache. Be sure to leave something as well. Sounds like fun, no? Go to: to get more information.

Upcoming trips: California in April to visit Susan S., and then off to Hawaii for more data collection at the end of April.

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