Monday, April 14, 2008

My First Half-Marathon


Yesterday was a significant day for me...I completed my first half-marathon!!! I never considered myself a runner, and if you saw me run, you'd understand why. But through an online community, I received support in my effort to be healthy. Part of that support was communicating with women about running...and how good it is. So last July, Bev & I were talking about entering a race...and she mentioned a marathon in my neck of the woods. So I entered...last July, because in July, it seemed like it would be a do-able possibility. I gotta tell you that on Saturday night, I was seriously doubting my judgement...but no turning back. I registered, paid, and made all the necessary reservations. But you know what? It was a good decision. Along the way, we got 4 other women to join us: Andi, Kim, Kim's sister - Debbie, and my good friend, Susan (the picture above is of Andi, Susan, Bev, myself, and Kim - Kim's sister was snapping the pic). We talked about this for months, and trained, trained, trained. And the next thing I knew I was standing at the starting line wondering what I was doing there. This was an incredible experience and I'm ready to do another fact, I'll be doing another half-marathon on May 18th...and then in October. Who have I become???
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sy said...

Came across your blog accidentally.
Just drop by and say hi.
hmm...i also buy lotto but never win any. ^_^

suzan said...

Hi Sy,

Thanks for leaving a comment!
