Monday, October 17, 2005

And we're off...

This is it. I knew that once I got to this week, everything would take off. My brother is getting married this weekend. I'm losing two (valuable) days for prep (Saturday and Sunday). Instead of going to school on Saturday, I will be hopping on an 8:00 am flight to Vegas. I'll be one of the last ones to get there. My parents, Dean, Sheri and Uncle Freddy (maybe) will be heading to Vegas on Thursday night. The Aunties and Uncles from Hawaii will head out on Friday. There's also a contingent from L.A. but I don't know when they're headed to Vegas. On Saturday we'll do some shopping and then head to Nobu's for dinner. We're also going to squeeze in a show on either Saturday or Sunday night. Kyle and Mary will be getting married on Monday; I'll be coming home on Monday night.

Next week will only be a four day work week and it will be even busier. I have to teach from Tuesday - Friday, then hop on another plane on Saturday 10/29 to head to PA for my defense. I hope I don't forget anything, and I hope I don't get dumber between my dissertation submission and then. I'll be back to work on Monday, 11/7. Once we're in November then the holidays are right around the corner. It's going to fly.

1 comment:

pabs said...

Holy Smokes Suzan... this is it! Try and enjoy the time in Vegas without stressing too much. I know you will do great!