Tuesday, October 27, 2015
And now I'm in Costa Rica...
I'm in Costa Rica! What??? I know. I suck at this blog thing, but I have some great pictures. I made it to Costa Rica at the end of September (2015 - just in case I don't write again until 2017) to take part in a TESOL Certification Course. The learning has been amazing, and I am so grateful to Mary Scholl, Executive Director at Centro Espiral Mana, for making it possible. I'll be posting some pics of my travels to Costa Rica, and other countries I've been to this year. But first, one of my fave experiences here - running across this sloth!
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
New on the Bookshelf
I just recently purchased Chopsticks: A Cultural and Culinary History. I'm looking forward to reading this book about the historical use of chopsticks in China and the evolution of culinary delights based on its use. While I'm usually interested in any book on food, this one is special as I get ready for an upcoming trip to China. Can't wait to dive in.

My Annual Post
So apparently I now write once a year in March. And it looks like it's March, so here I am. Seattle in March isn't always that great, but this winter/spring has been unbelievable. The weather has been mild, and there have been a lot of sunny days. Lovely. And have I mentioned my niece and nephew??? Adorbs.
Kylee is training with chopsticks:
My nephew, Conner, is my walking partner - we always go on adventures:
Here's Kylee posing for the camera:
I'm a giddy aunt.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
9 months later...and I'm here
So it turns out, I'm a bad blogger. Maybe it says something about the quality of my life. Something to mull over. (Note to self: find something interesting to do). What have I been up to? The usual. I work, have fun, and repeat. One of the joys, though, has been visiting my nephew and niece, Conner and Kylee. I will have to get pics up of them, especially of Kylee, who will be turning a year old in a couple of months. At first Kylee was very wary of me (read: she screamed every time she saw me). I really think she's warming up to me now. I think. We'll see if she openly cries when she sees me.
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