Saturday, October 21, 2006

Oh mother dear we sing to thee, St. Andrew's Priory...

Yesterday I paid a visit to my alma mater, St. Andrew's Priory. The Priory is an all girls' school in Honolulu. It was a little strange as I walked on the grounds. It not only looked different, it felt different. I didn't have those warm fuzzies like I thought I would when I saw the senior lounge or the library. I didn't have flashing memories of classmates or events when I walked through the cathedral, or in front of the fountain. I thought I'd have a stronger connection, but not so. I still credit the Priory with changing the trajectory of my life, and if given the chance, would do it all over again at the Priory. But there is no reason to go back unless I'm with other alums who can talk through the memories with me.

1 comment:

pabs said...

Seriously... do you ever stay put?!? You crazy jetsetter, you.